目的 研究卡介苗素对慢性支气管炎的预防及治疗作用 .方法 对 90例慢性支气管炎患者给予控制感染、对症治疗 .除常规给予止咳、化痰药外 ,同时肌注卡介苗素 2mL/次 ,每周 3次 ,3个月为 1个疗程 ,并与常规治疗对比 .结果 经治疗后卡介苗素组血清IgG(免疫球蛋白G)和IgE(免疫球蛋白E)明显下降 ,其抗复发的显效率、有效率分别为 4 7.8%、34.4 % ,总有效率为 82 .2 % ,显著优于对照治疗组 .结论 卡介苗素能明显改善机体免疫功能 ,对IgE有一定的调节作用 .
Objective : To investigate the effectiveness of BCG in the prevention and treatment of chronic bronchitis. Method: The study group: 90 patients BCG 2 ml.(1 mg.) intramuscular injection was taken, three time a week, three months as a course, also with routine conventional therapy. The control group: 90 patients received only routine conventional therapy. Result: The serum IgG and IgE decreased significantly in the study group, the complete cure rate and the partial cure rate were 47.8% and 34.4% respectively, the total effective rate was 82.2%, It is better than the control group significantly( P<0.05). Conclusion: In the treatment of chronic bronchitis BCG can improve the immunological function of the body, and also has the regulating function to IgE.
Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition)