通过对世居高原 (2 2 60m)中长跑运动员进行了 2 2 60~ 2 63 4m(男 12名 ,4周 8次 ,当日返回 )和 2 2 60~ 3 15 0m(女 7名 ,6周 8次 ,次日返回 )交替训练的研究 ,探讨了高练低住训练期间的生理、生化、心理等指标的变化规律 ,试图找出符合高原运动员的高原训练方法 ,使其的训练更为科学、合理。
Through researches on mid-long distance runners of native highland who performed alternate training between 2260m to 2634m,and 2260 to 3150m.We analyzed the various rules of physiology,biochemistry and psychology during training in the high and living in the low so that we have discovered more scientific and reasonable training ways for players of native highland.
Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Natural Science Edition)