
直肠癌患者行腹腔镜根治术后感染的危险因素探讨 被引量:1

Colorectal cancer patients with laparoscopic radical risk factors of postoperative infection
摘要 目的剖析导致直肠癌腹腔镜手术者产生术后感染的相关危险因素,为降低手术者的术后感染率提供依据。方法抽取我院2014年11月~2015年11月收治的腹腔镜手术直肠癌者60例,回顾分析其临床资料并进行随访,结合随访结果研究导致直肠癌腹腔镜手术者产生术后感染的相关危险因素。结果 60例手术者的感染情况:在本次入组的60例手术者中,总计出现12例感染者,感染率达到20.00%;腹腔镜术后感染的单因素研究:对直肠癌病人实施腹腔镜根治手术后产生感染与BMI(体质指数)、低蛋白血症(围手术期)、糖尿病史、手术时间、术后恢复胃肠功能用时、慢性肺部疾病史等存在相关性。结论直肠癌病人采用腹腔镜术进行根治后,会发生感染,主要危险因素为BMI、手术时间、糖尿病等多项因素,医院应该根据危险因素制定对应的防治方案,以控制术后感染事件的发生。 Objective to analyze the cause of laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery is to produce the related risk factors for postoperative infection and provide the basis for reducing postoperative infection rates of surgery. Method extract from November 2014 to November 2015 were 60 cases of laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery,retrospective analysis the clinical data and follow- up,combined with the follow- up research result in laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery produces the related risk factors for postoperative infection. Results 60 cases of surgical infection situation: in the group of 60 cases of surgery,a total of 12 cases,infection rate of 20. 00%; Laparoscopic postoperative infection of single factor study: the implementation of laparoscopic radical surgery for rectal cancer patients after infection and BMI(body mass index),hypoalbuminemia(perioperative),diabetes history,operative time,postoperative gastrointestinal function recovery time,history of chronic lung diseases,etc. [Abstract] Objective using laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer patients after radical,can produce infection,major risk factors for a number of factors such as BMI,operation time,diabetes,hospital should according to the corresponding prevention and control of risk factors,in order to control the occurrence of postoperative infection.
作者 李峰 王罡艳
出处 《结直肠肛门外科》 2016年第S1期104-105,共2页 Journal of Colorectal & Anal Surgery
关键词 腹腔镜 直肠癌 术后感染 危险因素 laparoscopic Rectal cancer Postoperative infection Risk factors for
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