目的探讨彩色超声和CT在直肠癌患者术前诊断肿瘤T分期的价值。方法对90例高度怀疑为直肠癌的患者,于术前分别行经直肠腔内超声检查和CT检查,并与患者术后病理分期进行对照。结果在肿块体积以及周围组织侵犯程度等方面的改变,超声比盆腔CT更准确;而在与术后病理分期比较,超声评估准确率高于CT准确率,差异有统计学意义(88.89%vs 62.22%,P<0.01)。结论对直肠癌患者手术前的肿瘤分期评估方面,超声诊断明显优于CT,超声可以作为常规方法对直肠癌术前分期。
objective To comparison the effect of ultrasound and CT on the on the stage of early rectal cancer.Methods Ninety patients who suspected rectal cancer were randomly divided into two groups(45 in each group).Ultrasound and CT examination were performed in 3 days before surgical and evaluated the TN staging of tumors,then compared with the pathological stages after surgery.Results In terms of the volume and the degree of invasion the surrounding tissue,ultrasound is more accurate than CT(P<0.05);The total accuracy rate of ultrasound in T-staging of early stage rectal cancer was 88.89%,higher than those of CT group(62.22%)(P<0.05).Conclusion Ultrasound can become a reliable diagnosis method and better than CT on the examination of early stage of rectal cancer.)
Journal of Colorectal & Anal Surgery