
基于尾气冷凝的质子交换膜燃料电池除湿机制研究 被引量:1

Investigation in the dehumidification mechanism of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) by condensing the moisture
摘要 水管理是影响质子交换膜燃料电池性能和寿命的一个重要因数。本文通过分析燃料电池中水分分布特性,提出尾气冷凝除湿机制,并研究电池中过余水分的移除能力的影响因数,结果表明:尾气冷凝可有效去除电池中过余的水分,降低电池尾部的水淹机率。过量系数越大,冷凝温度越低,除湿能力越强。但若过度冷凝,会导致质子交换膜失水,电池性能下降。 Water management is a key factor affecting the performance and lifespan of PEMFC.Dehumidification mechanism by condensing the moisture is proposed,based on the water distribution in a PEMFC.The impact factors in the water removal ability are investigated in detail.The results show that moisture condensing is an effective way to remove the excess water in PEMFC,which can mitigate the possibility of water flooding in PEMFC.The water removal amount is increasing with the increasing of the stoichiometry and decreasing of the condensing temperature.However,over-condensing will result in the dehydration of the membrane and thus the decrease of the performance.
作者 肖彪 张威 范丽欣 常华伟 涂正凯 XIAO Biao;ZHANG Wei;FAN Li-xin;CHANG Hua-wei;TU Zheng-kai(State Key Laboratory of Air-conditioning Equipment and System Energy Conservation,Zhuhai,Shandong Province,519070,China;School of Energy and Power Engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,Hubei Province,430074,China)
出处 《电池工业》 CAS 2019年第2期63-67,共5页 Chinese Battery Industry
关键词 燃料电池 尾气冷凝 水淹 除湿 PEMFC Moisture condensing Water flooding Dehumidification
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