蒙阴野店—费县高家围子一带辉绿岩广泛发育 ,多呈NNW向及近SN向岩墙分布 ,常成群产出。该辉绿岩是幔源基性岩浆沿区域性张裂隙 (刚性陆块伸展作用的结果 )上侵形成的 ,它标志着鲁西乃至整个华北地区早前寒武纪基底第三次克拉通化的完成 ,陆块从此进入稳定发展阶段。
Diabase developes widely from Yedian of Mengyin to Gaojiaweizi of Feixian county. It distributes in dykes with trend of NWW and SE, and always occurrs in groups. The diabase was formed by basic magma intrusived from regional cracks. It symbolizes the completion of the third cratonization in west of Shandong and Huabei area, and the continent goes into steady developing period.
Geology of Shandong