根据 2 0 0 0年阿克苏水平衡站有底测坑试验资料 ,分析了土壤水分有效性函数与土壤相对有效含水率 ,作物生物学特性函数与群体叶面积指数的关系 ,结果表明 :(1)土壤水分有效性函数与土壤相对有效含水率呈直线函数关系 ;(2 )作物生物学特性函数与群体叶面积指数呈指数函数关系。选用 2 0cm蒸发器水面蒸发量、作物生物学特性函数和土壤水分有效性函数 ,应用数理统计方法建立了阿拉尔灌区棉田蒸散量计算模型。该模式仅需常规气象与土壤湿度资料 ,计算简便 ,精度较高 。
Farmland evapotranspiration means the sum of the soil evaporation and the crop transpiration under the field conditions, it is a link of the water circulation in the soil plant air system and is affected by many factors, such as the meteorological, crop and soil conditions. In this paper, a calculation model of the evapotranspiration from the cotton fields in the Aral Irrigated Area is developed based on the experiment of the current rotary combination design of square regression of 3 factors at 5 levels, which was carried out at Aksu Station for Water Balance Observation in Xinjiang in 2000, and a comprehensive consideration about the meteorological, crop and soil conditions as well as referred to the evaporation from water surface, biological functions of cotton and the availability of soil moisture. The results are as follows: (1) The relationship between the biological functions and the leaf area index is a power function; (2) The relationship between the soil moisture availability function and the content of the available soil moisture in root area is linear. The model can be used to calculate the farmland evapotranspiration by using the data of the routine meteorological and soil humidity observation only, so it is convenient to use. The comparison between the calculated and the measured results of the field evapotranspiration shows that the calculation with the model has a high precision.
Arid Land Geography
国家重点基础研究 973项目 (编号 :G19990 43 5 0 6)