
南水北调西线一期工程的主要工程地质问题 被引量:13

Main engineering geological problems in the 1st-stage project of West-line for transfering water from Southern to Northern China
摘要 西线调水工程是从长江上游调水到黄河上游的跨流域调水工程。其主要目的是解决西北、华北地区缺水问题。西线调水一期工程位于青藏高原东部边缘地带 ,地质条件复杂 ,构造活动频繁 ,该区具有独特的地壳变形和构造应力体系。一期调水工程区处在海拔 35 0 0m左右 ,主要是引大渡河支流的阿柯河、麻尔曲、杜柯河及雅砻江支流泥曲、达曲之水补给黄河支流贾曲。主要的工程地质问题为活动断裂、深埋长隧洞、冻土与冻害以及水库工程地质问题。1 活动断裂问题西线调水区主要有 15条区域性活动断裂。其中玉树断裂 (F2 )、桑日麻断裂 (F8)、鄂陵湖南断裂 (F9)、甘德南断裂 (F1 0 )、鲜水河断裂 (F4 )等活动性较强 ,对工程影响较大。断裂活动不仅能影响引水隧洞的稳定性 ,而且直接影响着工程区的区域构造稳定性。2 深埋长隧洞工程地质问题由于一期工程输水洞线共长 2 4 4km ,其中最长者达 73km ,属于特长隧洞。这些隧洞埋深大 ,一般达 30 0~ 6 0 0m ,穿越不同的地质单元 ,并且无法避开活断层的影响。一些深埋长隧洞工程典型的地质问题如高地温、高压涌水、高地应力及岩爆等问题均可能出现。(1)高地应力及岩爆 西线调不一期工程洞体深埋于山体基岩内 ,上覆岩体厚度一般为 30 0~ 6 0 0m 。 The project of water transfer in western area of China,aimed at resolving the lack of water in Northwest China,is one of the important water conservancy projects through which the water of upper stream of Yangtze River is transferred to the upper stream of Yellow River.The 1st\|stage project,with an elevation of 3500m,is located at the east edge of Qinghai\|Tibet Plateau where geological conditions are very complex and the tectonic movements are developed frequently.The area has a unique system of crust deformation and structural stress.The water transfer project focuses on diverting water from the branch of Daduhe River and Yalongjiang River,namely Akehe River,Ma'erqu River,Dukehe River,Daqu River and Niqu River,to the Jiaqu River,a branch of Yellow River.The main engineering geological problems,including the active faults,deep\|seated long tunnels,reservoir geological problems and frozen soil\|induced damage,are discussed based on the preliminary field and in\|situ data. 1\ Active faults\;There are 15 active faults in the western area of water transfer,in which Yushu Fault,Sangrima Fault,South Elinghu Fault,South Gande Fault and Xianshuihe Fault have strong influence on the project.Active faults not only affect the stability of water\|transferring tunnels,but also affect the regional tectonic stability of the area. 2\ Engineering geological problems of deep\|seated long tunnels\;The deep\|seated long tunnels have a total length of 244km and a depth ranging between 300m and 600m.Running through areas of different geological units,the tunnels encountered many engineering problems such as high geostresses,rock burst,geo\|thermal abnormal and high\|pressure water blasting etc.inevitably.The overlaid rock mass of slightly metamorphosed Triassic sandstone is 300~600m in thickness,resulting in high geostresses.According to the stress measurement,the maximal principal stresses are: σ\-1 =6 0~11\^7MPa, σ\-2 varies within the range of 1\^0~6\^0MPa,and σ\-3 0\^3~4 3MPa.The background of high stress provides an environment for rock burst.\;Geo\|thermal gradient in the area is between 18~26℃/km,averaging 22℃/km.In the process of tunnel excavation,geo\|thermal temperature may reach 20~25℃,as a result,geo\|thermal abnormal may occur.Besides,the high\|pressure water blasting threatens the safety of deep\|seated tunnels as a result of the development of regional tectonics,neotectonics,and the structure of fold. 3\ Engineering problems of reservoirs\;The geological problems include reservoir\|induced earthquake and bank stability after the construction of the reservoirs.The factors of dimension of reservoir,structural condition,geo\|stresses and earthquake activity are propitious to the development of reservoir\|induced earthquake.The comprehensive results indicate that the reservoir\|induced earthquake may reach middle intensity of M \-s=4\^5~6\^0.Furthermore,the deformation modes of bank slope are mostly rock\|fall and landslide.Statistical results show that the rock\|fall and landslide are mostly developed in the elevation ranging from 350m to 600m. 4\ Problems of special soil\;The special soil existing in the area refers to frozen soil.The physico\|mechanical properties of the frozen soil change with the soil distribution and geo\|stresses.Attention should be given to frozen soil damage in this project of water transfer.
出处 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》 CSCD 2002年第3期1-8,共8页 The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control
关键词 南水北调 工程地质 活动断裂 深埋长隧洞 冻土 水库 western route of water transfer from Southern to Northern China engineering geological problems problems of active fault engineering geological problems of deep\|seated long tunnel engineering geological problems of reservior problems of s
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