Eco–philosophy perceives the world from an ecological perspective, so it is also called the ecological world view. According to Eco–philosophy, the world is a complex "man–society–nature" ecosystem, a community of shared life that exists and works in the form of an integral whole as a living organic system. With the relationship among man, society, and nature being its basic problem, and the harmony of the three being its target, Eco–philosophy, as a holistic philosophical world view, goes beyond the modern philosophy of subject–object dichotomy and helps to facilitate the ecological civilization construction with its new world view, epistemology, methodology and axiology.
Eco–philosophy perceives the world from an ecological perspective, so it is also called the ecological world view. According to Eco–philosophy, the world is a complex "man–society–nature" ecosystem, a community of shared life that exists and works in the form of an integral whole as a living organic system. With the relationship among man, society, and nature being its basic problem, and the harmony of the three being its target, Eco–philosophy, as a holistic philosophical world view, goes beyond the modern philosophy of subject–object dichotomy and helps to facilitate the ecological civilization construction with its new world view, epistemology, methodology and axiology.