以黄河干流主要控制站的径流泥沙资料为基础 ,从量值、过程、洪水和泥沙组成等方面分析了 1 986年以来年内不同时期黄河干流水沙特性的变化 ,得到汛期径流泥沙大量减少、非汛期径流量沿程减少加剧、中大流量出现机率大为降低、洪峰流量降低以及泥沙组成规律未发生趋势性变化等重要认识 。
Based on the data from hydrology stations,the change of characteristics of water and sediment was analyzed in terms of the amount,process,flood and sediment size grade in the main stem of the Yellow River since 1986 Results proposed in the paper show that the amount of runoff and sediment reduced greatly in flood season,the decrease of runoff along the river course in non-flood season becomes more and more serious,the opportunities of medium and large flood reduced enormously and dischanges at flood peaks become less and less.But the law of sediment composed has not changed in trend.These results could be a reference to the development and utilization of water resource and the harness of the Yellow River.
Journal of Sediment Research