断层面上的断层擦痕与形成断层的主应力有一定的空间几何关系 ,据断层的产状、性质 ,断层面上断层擦痕方位 ,可以定量解析断层应力场。通过编制计算机程序 ,使数据处理自动完成。经计算机处理后得出桂林市西侧的灵川—永福断裂带的应力场有 3期或幕。
Slickensides on the fault's face have geometric relations with main stresses by which fault have been formed, the stress fields of fault can be analyzed quantitatively with attitudes and attributes of fault and orientations of slickensides on fault's face. Data processing can be finished automatically with computer program that have been programmed. The stress fields of Lingchuan-Yongfu fault zone in western Guilin has three phases.
Guangxi Geology