目的了解田间喷洒丙溴磷后土壤中的残留量及降解规律。方法采用色谱_火焰光度法 (GC_FPD)测定田间喷洒丙溴磷后不同天数丙溴磷在土壤中的残留量。结果丙溴磷在土壤中的最低检出浓度为0.04mg/kg。加标回收率在95.2%~98.7%范围内 ,变异系数3.4 %~4.5 %。按推荐量施药 ,丙溴磷在土壤中降解符合一级动力学 ,半衰期为1.09d。施药后13d丙溴磷在土壤中降解率为98.3 %。结论测定方法简便、快速、准确、实用。丙溴磷在土壤中的降解较迅速 。
Objective To investigate the degradation rate of profenofos in soil. Methods The residues of profenofos at different times after spraying on soil were determined by GC-FPD method. Results Detection limit of profenofos in soil was 0.04 mg/kg. The recovery rates and relative standard deviation obtained by adding standard assay were 95.2%~98.7% and 3.4%~4.5% respectively. According to the dose recommended, degradation of profenofos sprayed on soil was consistent with one range dynamics. The half-life of profenofos in soil was 1.09 days. At the 13th day after spraying on soil, 98.3% of profenofos had degraded. Conclusion This method was simple, rapid, accurate and precise. The degradation of profenofos was more rapid and profenofos contamination in soil was not a serious problem.
Journal of Environment and Health