语言是文化中最重要的象征系统 ,一种语言能代表一个民族的心理意识、历史习俗传统和地域风貌特征等。习语是文化信息特别集中的固定词组和句子 ,是语言的精华。因此 ,要想学习怎样翻译习语 ,就一定得经历从语言能力 (linguisticcompetence)的成熟到社交语言能力 (sociolinguisticcompetence)的成熟 ,最终到文化能力 (culturecompetence)的成熟这一必经的过程 。
A Languge is the most important symbolic system in culture.It can represent one people's minds,history customs and geography features.Idioms are phrases and sentences heavily loaded with cultural messeges.They are the essence of language.So if one want to lean how to translate idioms,one must experence the process from linguistic competence,socio linguistic competence to culture competence.This paper,from the angle of techniques of translation,explones how to treat cultural features in the translation of idioms.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University