21世纪需要高素质的全面发展的创新人才。文章分析了“全面发展”的深刻内涵 ,着重从调整课程结构、文化素质、科技素质、思想素质、创新素质五个方面论述了创新型人才的培养途径。文章强调 ,只有这样 ,才是真正意义的素质教育 ,才能满足加入 WTO后我国对高素质人才、复合型人才、创新人才的需求 。
The 21st century needs creative personnel with high quality and all round development. This paper analyses the profound significance of 'all round development' and explores ways to cultivate creative personnel by focusing on adjusting curriculum structures, improving students' qualities of culture, science and technology, ideology and originality. The paper stresses that only by doing so can we implement real and valid quality education, satisfy the country's needs for personnel with high quality, multi ability and originality, and step up the process of the four modernizations after China's entry into WTO.
Journal of Neijiang Normal University