
磁村窑产品烧造技法初探 被引量:2

A Preliminary Study on the Firing Techniques of Cicun Wares
摘要 2011年7月,逢山东大学东方考古研究中心2009级本科生暑期社会实践之际,笔者有幸随同赴淄博市磁村窑址开展短期的考古调查。期间,不仅得到当地文博部门的亲密配合,并于窑址上采集到部分瓷片标本,进而对磁村窑产品有了更加深刻的感性认识。磁村窑位于山东省淄博市淄川区西南约10千米处的磁村镇,窑址今可分为三区:南北窑洼区、苹果园区和华严寺区(图一)。1976年10月,山东省博物馆和淄博市博物馆等单位联合对窑址进行试掘,并将窑址烧造年代划分为五期①。 This article bases on the kiln samples collected during the short-term archaeological survey on Cicun kiln made by the Grade 2009 undergraduates of The Oriental Archaeological Research Center of Shandong University in July 2011,meanwhile refers to the remains of previous works,then makes a further analysis on the firing technologies of Cicun wares.These archaeological materials tell that the furniture of CiCun kiln includes a few types of supporting and separating tools as well as saggars.According to the remains and related marks of CiCun kiln,we can roughly infer part of the firing techniques.In forming stage,the products mainly use casting-molding method and the surface of the bodies are appropriately modified,leading to concave,ribbed,parallel thin string and vortex lines.This is a kind of unintentional marks.In aspect of decorations,Cicun wares can be divided into body decoration and glaze decoration.Body decorating products are these white porcelains covered with engobe,part of which use applique,such like ears and laces.The fine black glaze porcelains with string decorations also belong to the body decoration.Mostly common products are those wholly glazed inside and half glazed outside,combined the techniques of swing and dipping glazing.Besides,there are also some products with black glaze on the rim,black painting on white glaze and twisted placenta products.Finally,in the process of firing stage,Cicun kiln adopts several ways such as peg burning,sagger burning and pile burning.The aspects discusses in the article could basically reflect the craftsmanship of CiCun kiln in the relative process,and guide us to know more about Cicun wares.
作者 陈章龙 刘明 Chen Zhanglong;Liu Ming(Department of Archaeology, Shandong University;Cultural Relics and Archaeology Institute of Shenyang)
出处 《东方考古》 2014年第1期253-273,共21页 East Asia Archaeology
基金 111环境与社会考古学创新引智基地子课题(项目编号:111-2-9) 山东省博士后创新项目专项资金(项目编号:11080071312206)“山东地区古瓷窑址考古学研究”阶段性成果
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