

On the Significance of Discovering Sites of Earlier Song Gate and Ming Wall in Qingzhou and Strategies for Protection and Utilization
摘要 过《齐鲁晚报》《潍坊晚报·青州读本》关于青州发现北宋城门和明代城墙遗址(图一)的报道~①,笔者对山东省文物考古研究所和青州市文物局联合考古发掘取得的这项成果,十分兴奋。可以说,这是一个极有价值的重要发现。作为一名长期关注和思考青州古城历史文化的当地人,笔者想就此谈点不成熟的意见,旨在抛砖引玉,庶几能够推动问题的研究向着纵深发展。 With the discovery of the site of Earlier Song gate,we have fundamentally solved the problem on the location of Qingzhou gate,got an important reference coordinate which could be used to reconfirm the pattern and region of the ancient city,even more,an overall influence on the recognition of the whole Qingzhou city followed.By the conjunction of archaeological discoveries and documentary records,the following academic problems have been solved:(1)As so far,Earlier Song gate is the oldest site in which we have found,it should be existence from Song Dynasty to the end of Yuan Dynasty;(2)According to the corresponding relation,we found that the old site of Dongyang city which was reconstructed in Ming Dynasty followed the outline of the city in Song and Yuan Dynasties,and the site of Earlier Song gate and the shafts gate were on the south-north axis which ran through the whole Qingzhou city;(3)In the early Ming Dynasty,Shandong regional military commander Ye Dawang conducted the repair project of Nanyang city on a large scale which made it once be the best-quality in the history of Qingzhou.However,the project downsized the city and,in consequence,the area now called Guandong which belonged to urban district in Song,Jin and Yuan Dynasties had been the city walls from then on.Finally,we made three actionable suggestions:(1)applying to list the Earlier Song gate and the site of Ming wall under Shandong provincial key cultural relic protection units;(2)paying equal attention to protection and use,constructing a local archaeological park;(3)expanding the scope of the excavated,and strengthening the research on the layout structure and functions of the site for a comprehensive show and application for the national important archaeological discovery.
作者 李森 Li Sen(School of History and Culture, Shandong University)
出处 《东方考古》 2015年第1期98-111,共14页 East Asia Archaeology
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