

A Review of Russia's Legislation Concerning Northern Sea Route
摘要 经论证,北方海航线属于用于国际航行的海峡,那么在其相关海域适用《联合国海洋法公约》第3部分的过境通行制度,应属合法、正当。然而,作为沿岸国的俄罗斯的相关立法,却对此构成了挑战,具体如俄罗斯《关于北方海航线水域商业航运政府规章的俄罗斯联邦特别法修正案》的第3条对北方海航线水域的规定、对提交保险或经济担保的规定、对事先申请批准的规定,《北方海航线水域航行规则》第2条对事先申请许可的规定、第14—20条对一系列实时报告制度的规定。未来中国宜依据公约的相关规定,事实上朝着北方海航线应适用过境通行制度的方向去努力。 It is argued that the Northern Sea Route belongs to the straits used for international navigation,therefore,it is lawful and justified that the system of 'transit passage' in Part 3 of the UNCLOS applies to the Northern Sea Route's relevant seas.However,as a littoral state Russia's relevant legislation challenged the system of 'transit passage'.Legislative challenges include the provisions of Article 3 of On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Concerning State Regulation of Merchant Shipping on the Water Area of the Northern Sea Route on the area of the Northern Sea Route,the insurance or financial security,and the shipping permits;Article 2 on the authorization-based order;and Articles 14 — 20 of the Rules of Navigation on the Water Area of the Northern Sea Route the on the informs and notifies.China should strive for the application of 'transit passage' in the relevant areas of the Northern Sea Route according to the UNCLOS.
作者 李人达
机构地区 海南省委党校
出处 《地方立法研究》 2017年第2期121-126,共6页 Local Legislation Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"我国南海岛礁所涉重大现实问题及其对策研究"(项目批准号16ZDA073)
关键词 用于国际航行的海峡 俄罗斯 北方海航线 过境通行 straits used for international navigation Russia Northern Sea Route transit passage
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