
先宋诗话初探 被引量:1

On Notes on Poets and Poetry in Pre-Song Period
摘要 先宋诗话并非指先宋时期创作、编纂的诗话作品,而是在诗话之体产生后,编者依据诗话内容、体例,从先宋典籍中辑录诗话材料而成的辑录体诗话汇编,可分为先宋专家诗话汇编和先宋断代诗话汇编两类。其辑录标准有三:一、所辑录诗话材料应符合诗话一体的规定,内容需与诗相涉,有关诗歌理论、诗事见闻、诗歌作法等材料都应入选,体例为笔记体例,篇幅短小且条目零散,并非体系完整、论证严密的专篇、专著,材料中诗与话当并存,二者缺一则不能入选;二、先宋诗话的材料来源应以先宋典籍为主,但先宋断代诗话在辑录时,可参考宋后编著的史籍和诗话作品;三、先宋断代诗话不仅应包括时人论当代诗作的材料,还应包括时人论前代诗作的材料。 At present,academic circles have not yet defined notes on poets and poetry in pre-Song period.Although catalogue and series of notes on poets and poetry contain those of the pre-Song period,divergence exists in their connotations.Notes on poets and poetry in pre-Song period do not refer to notes written or compiled in the pre-Song period.Instead,they are the collection of notes on poets and poetry according to content and stylistic rules and layout after the birth of style of notes on poets and poetry.There are mainly two kinds,namely,collections of notes by certain scholars,and collections of notes of certain dynasties.The compilation criteria are as follows:First,the recorded materials should be the combination of poetry and lyrics.The content should be rich and related to poetry.Poetic theory,poetic stories and writing methods should be included.Notes as they are,they are short and scattered compared with the complete and well-documented monographs.Strictly speaking,poems and comments should coexist in the material,and the lack of either should be excluded.Secondly,the source of the material of those notes should be based on the pre-Song classics.However,when notes are recorded,historical materials works compiled by later generations can be referred to.Thirdly,those notes should include not only notes of contemporary scholars on contemporary poems,but also notes of contemporary scholars on poems of former times.
作者 肖砚凌 XIAO Yan-ling
出处 《杜甫研究学刊》 2019年第1期111-119,共9页 Journal of Du fu Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目<全唐五代诗话整理与研究>(批准号:18FZW051)成果
关键词 先宋诗话 诗话目录 诗话丛书 先宋专家诗话汇编 先宋断代诗话汇编 notes on poets and poetry in pre-Song period catalogue of notes series of notes collections of notes by certain scholars collections of notes of certain dynasties
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