英语中来自《圣经》的习语有很多也比较常用我们完全可以利用这些习语来讲一讲《圣经》的历史故事。英国公开大学的公开课《十分钟英语史》(The History of English in Ten Minutes)在讲到钦定本《圣经》时,就巧妙地利用了很多来自《圣经》的习语。一起来看一下。In 1611 the powers that be^1 turned the world upside down^2 with a labour of love^3—a new translation of the Bible.A team of scribes with the wisdom of Solomon^4—Went the extra mile^5 to make King James’s translation all things to all men^6,whether from their heart’s desire^7 to fight the good fight^8 or just for the filthy lucre^9.This sexy new Bible went