在垫片高温试验装置上 ,进行了柔性石墨缠绕垫片密封性能试验研究 ,得到了垫片密封性能随温度变化的关系曲线及拟合计算公式 .研究结果表明 ,该垫片具有较好的密封性能 ,泄漏率与温度成指数关系 ,随温度的升高而增大 ,符合多孔介质模型的方程 .
On the high temperature test device of gasket performances, experimental research on thermal sealing performance is conducted for spiral wound gaskets with flexiable graphite filler, the relation curves showing sealing performance of gaskets vs. temperature and regression equation are obtained. The result shows that this type of gasket has excellent sealing performance, leakage rate increasing with increase of temperature as exponent function of temperature conforms to the equation of the porous media model.
Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology