电脑图像处理技术的不断完善,为编辑和摄影提供了后期修补新闻照片的便利条件,但是这种电脑编辑的方式却促成了多种负面效应,本文援引美国教授埃德加绍华·黄(Edgar ShaohuaHuang)关于新闻照片电脑软件修补带来的影响的调查结果,提出编辑和记者应慎用电脑后期修补照片的看法,防止和避免因电脑编辑照片带来的负面效应。
The functional development of the computer software, which is used to edit photos, provides the better sit-uation for editing news photos during the editorial process, but this will cause many kinds of negative effects. This articlequotes the research result that Professor Edgar Shaohua Huang got through experiments by handing over the question-naires about using the computer software. The author of this article puts forward that editors and photo reporters, whilerepairing photos, should be cautious to use computer software. Furthermore, the author offers five methods of reducingand preventing the negative effects.
Journal of Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College