
大型临时看台可变迎风面结构风载分析 被引量:4

Wind load analysis for large spacial truss temporary stand with variable windward side
摘要 大型临时空间桁架结构看台因广告和维护等非结构构件使结构受风面积大量增加,在较强风力作用下极易发生倾覆。本文采用数值模拟方法确定大型临时看台风荷载立面作用特征,对临时看台周围有遮挡附属结构时看台表面的平均风荷载分布特性进行了建模和仿真,提出了临时看台立面具有遮挡物时各表面的平均风荷载计算方法,并建立了可直接用于大型临时看台结构设计使用的压力系数,本文得到的计算方法对提高大型临时看台抗风性能具有实际和重要的应用价值。 Shadowed by temporary exhibition cloth and other non-structural enclosure structure,the wind loading area of temporary stand increase dramatically,thus,temporary stand are easily to be overturned by a wild storm.The surface wind pressure of temporary stand accompanied with cover is presented in this paper by CFD numerical method. The method to identify the wind load towards the surface of spacial truss temporary stand is also proposed,and the pressure coefficient is identified for the design of the temporary stand. The method proposed in this paper is of great use to improve the security of spacial truss temporary stand.
出处 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S1期401-408,共8页 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目<影像文化与演艺事业的内容处理 展示和装备研发及示范>(2014BAK14B00)
关键词 空间桁架临时看台 可变结构受风面积 数值建模仿真 平均风荷载 压力系数 space truss temporary stand variable-cover of plane numerical model simulation average wind load pressure coefficient
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