1Raizmsn, David. History of modern design: graphics and products since the Industrial Bevolution (2nd Edition). Laurence King Publishing, 2010:65.
2Huygen, Frederfque. British design: image & identity. Thames and Hudson, 1989:15.
4Gillard, Derek. Education in England: & brief history. 2011. www.educationengland org.uk/history.
5Woodham,Jonathan M. A dictionary of modern design. Oxford University Press, 2006.
6Smith,Sir Hubert Llewellyn. The Economic Laws of Art Production. Oxford University Press,H.Milford,1924.
7Woodham,Jonathan M. A dictionary of modern design.Oxford University Press 2006.
8Sparke, Penny. An introduction to design and culture: 1900 to the present.New York: Routiedge 2004: 95-114.
9Leapman, Michael. The World for a Shilling: How the Great Exhibition of 1851 Shaped a Nation, Headline Books, 2001:114.
10Anderson, Poobert. Circa 1951 : Presenting Science to the British Public, 2007.http://osulibr&ry.oregonstate.edu/speci&lcollections/events/ 2007paulingconference/video-s2-3-anderson. html.