

The Design of a Circular Loom with electromagnetic shuttle-driving
摘要 圆型織機以圓運動代替了普通平型織機的往復運動,是一個革命性的改進。我所設計的圓型織機已由本院金工埸試製成功,兹介紹其基本構造原理如下: 經紗盤頭用兩倜,分列左右,合用一個調整螺絲來調整兩面的張力,維持其相等。經紗自盤頭引出,向上穿過圆形分布筘,就排列成圆筒形,然後通過開口綜絲而穿上靜止筘;筘上有圓梭四只。綜絲開口,由凸输控制;凸输迴轉時,綜絲卽引導經紗交替開閉,讓四只梭子带着緯紗依次相接通過其開口而前進。梭子是藉電磁鐵吸住在兩對羅拉上而推送前進的,並不吸住在電磁鐵面上,以避免拖住經紗。打緯運動,用一倾斜有刺輸跟随於梭後,将閉口後織口内的緯紗壓緊,也以圆運動代替了—般往復的打緯運動,可以减少一般打緯筘對於經紗的来回擦傷。又因開口比一般平型織機爲小,所以經紗張力的變化也小,可以减低經紗的断頭率。織成的圆筒形布,撑平後向上捲取。目前階段主要缺點爲梭子易脫出,當待繼續改進。 We designed and made a circular loom of Fayolle-Ancet type with electro-magnetically operated shuttles, replacing rectilinear motion of plain looms by circular and continuous motion with several shuttles running simultaneously. The warp yarns, with equal tension from two beams located at both sides of the loom, pass upward through circularly disposed distributing reeds, enter two harnesses running horizontally in radial directions and then pass through a horizontal stationary reed on which there are four shuttles running simultaneously. The harnesses are controlled by central cams. Through their inward and outward radial motions, the harnesses alternately open and close the shed of the warp yarns to let the shuttle pass through. Each shuttle is held in position by a piece of electromagnet, which drives it through the warp yarns. The usual beating up motion of the reciprocating slay is also replaced by the continuous circular motion of a specially designed spiked-wheel, disposed at an inclined angle to the yarn, for laying and tightening the pick (weft). The circular or tubular shaped fabric thus formed is then flatened and received on a roller placed on the upper part of the loom. The chief defect we found is that the shuttles very often run out of way. We are trying to make further improvements.
作者 陈人哲
出处 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1956年第1期5-14,95,共11页 Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science)
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