The two-peak structure, spectral characteristics and time-delay of the microwave burst event of Jnue 30, 1989 are described and analysed inthis paper.1. There were time delays of the two peaks from the high frequencies to low frequencies (1-15 GHZ). The high frequency peak time preceded the low frequency peak time for 84 S. The first peak time delays were longer than that of the second. but its flux was lower. It seems that the efficiency of particle acceleration at the two peaks is different each other.2. This event accompanied the proton event. Though this event had a'U-type' shape of its spectrum, its maximum flux is only 800 sfu. This may show that the magnetic configurations at two peaks are very favourable for producing proton.3. The spectral indices a of two peaks at 9400 MHz and 3750 MHz changing with time were consistent with the time profile of the burst 9375 MHz.