给出了一个基于椭圆曲线的群签名方案 .在同等安全条件下 ,运算速度更快、签名的长度更短 .该方案满足群签名的基本要求 ,且群公钥、签名长度是固定的 ;签名和验证算法时间也是固定的 ;不随群成员的增加而增长 .但打开算法与群成员的个数有关 ,效率还比较低 .
In this article, a group signature scheme based on elliptic curve is proposed. With same security , the scheme is more efficient and the signature size is shorter .The scheme satisfies the basic requirements of group signature. The lengths of the group's public key and of the signatures, as well as the computational effort for signing and verifying, are independent of the number of group members. But the computational effort for opening is linear in the number of group members, so it is less efficient.
Journal of Tianzhong