干细胞的来源主要有 3个 ,分别是胚囊阶段的人胚胎细胞内物质 ,胎儿和成人细胞。从伊斯兰教观点来分析干细胞研究 ,干细胞研究具有巨大潜力使人们受益。但是 ,胚胎的道德地位是讨论的实质。
There are primarily three sources to acquire stem cells that are the inner cell mass of human embroys at the blastocyst stage,the fetuses and the adult cells.From Istamic perspective,to discuss stem cell research.There is great potential for stem cell research to benefit many people.But,the moral status of embryo is at the heart of the discussion.It is important to note that it cannot be accepted to creat embryos just for the purpose of embryonic stem cell research.
Medicine and Philosophy