To investigate the characteristics/differences of age-related coronary artery remodelling in subjects from regions with high (Beijing) and low (Nanning and Ningbo) prevalence of atherosclerosis in China, and the relationship between coronary artery of remodelling and atherosclerosis, left anterior descending (LAD) coronary arteries were measured by morphomet-ric quantification in 327 necropsy cases collected from 1985 to 1993. Results: Not only the intimal thickness in youth in Beijing (n = 131) was obviously thicker than that in Nanning (n=110) or Ningbo (n = 86) , but also the thickening speed with ageing was faster. The percentage of luminal stenosis in Beijing samples was higher than that in Nanning or Ningbo. The detectable rate of coronary artery lumen narrowing in Beijing was as high as 10.7%, while those in Ningbo and Nanning were 4. 7% and 1. 8%, respectively. Although the total cross section (lumen+intima + media) area of the LAD in Beijing was greater than that in Nanning or Ningbo,yet the lumen areaand lumen area/total cross section area reflecting effective blood flow area of LAD were smaller. The detectable rate of IEL correlated positively with the thickness of the intima (r= 0. 99, P>0. 05); however, the thickness of media showed no such change with age, sex and locality. The overall tendency was that coronary artery remodelling in Nanning was 10 years later than that in Beijing. Conclusion: There are obvious differences in coronary artery remodelling, which is an important factor underlying the causation of high and low prevanlence of atherosclerosis in youth in the three locations.
Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis