About 20papers presented at the 2002Annual Meeting of Chinese Orthopaed ic Trauma As-sociation have been selected for thi s special issue.They demonstrate th e state of art of orthopaedic trauma i n China.The articles about managemen t of pelvic fractures discuss gross h emorrhage and lumbar sacral plexus i n-jury in pelvic fractures .To treat pelvic hemorrhage,general support co mbined with fixation of the fracture and homeostasis are the key.5of them dea l with the choice of implant for proximal femoral fractures.The DHS is more suitable for stable intertrochante ric fractures,while the intramedul lary fixation system is favored for u nstable in-tertrochanteric fractures.Many wa ys of fixation can be applied in the tr eatment of distal femoral fractures.Pre-operative planning and decent techniques should be emphasized.The diagnosis of calcaneal fractures should be based on the combination of X-ray and CT scan.The restoration of height,l ength,width and the congruency of th e articular surface of the calcaneus a re the goals of treatment.From now on,we should enhance the clinical rese arch on orthopaedic trauma and specify th e diagnosis criteria.[
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma