目的 调查上海市金山区农村癫痫患病率、药物治疗现状及癫痫患者的就业、教育、家庭、婚姻等社会心理状况 ,以便制订癫痫综合防治方案。方法 2 0 0 0年在金山区朱泾镇采用分层整群抽样原则完成 5万人群的癫痫普查。结果 癫痫粗患病率为 3.11‰ ,标化患病率为 3.6 2‰ ,其中男性3.6 5‰ ,女性 2 .5 0‰ ,男性皆明显高于女性 (χ2 =4 .79,P <0 .0 1) ;农村患病率为 3.70‰ ,明显高于城镇2 .4 5‰ ;年龄组患病率分布有两个高峰 ,第一高峰表现在 10~ 30岁 ,第二高峰表现在 6 0岁年龄组。结论 金山区居民癫痫患病率在国内处于中等偏低水平。
Objective To study the prevalence of epilepsy in Jinshan-a rural area of Shanghai and to provide data for development of protocol on prevention and therapy of epilepsy. Methods Stratified cluster sampling was used in Zhujing town, Jinshan district, Shanghai in 2000. In a door to door survey, all inhabitants in the study area were interviewed on seizures using a standardized protocol to include all new cases with epilepsy. Results The crude prevalence of epilepsy was 3.11 ‰ among the population size of 48 628 and the adjusted prevalence was 3.62 ‰ with 3.65 ‰ in male and 2.50 ‰ in female. The prevalence rates of males were more than that of females in both places. Two peaks of epilepsy prevalence in Jinshan district Shanghai were noticed: in the age groups of 10 30 years old and older than 60 years. The highest prevalence appeared in rural area was 3.70 ‰, much higher than that 2.45 ‰ in town. Conclusion The prevalence of epilepsy in this district was lower than that in other districts of China.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology