

Preconceived Error in RANSAC and an Approach to Avoid It
摘要 报告了一类模型拟合错误的现象,涉及RANSAC、MLESAC、PROSAC等包含随机采样环节的模型拟合方法。分析了该类错误为先入为主的验证策略所导致,并提出了避免产生这类错误的校验方法。实验结果表明:本方法可以快速有效地避免这类错误。 A kind of incorrect model fitting phenomena is presented, including the model fitting method of random sampling, such as RANSAC, MLESAC, PROSAC. Furthermore, it analyzes the reasons of such error, which is caused by preconceived verification strategy. In order to avoid the error, a method of checking is proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can avoid such errors rapidly and effectively.
作者 程欣宇
出处 《电子科学技术》 2016年第2期162-165,共4页 Electronic Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金61462013 贵州省基金LH字[2014]7635
关键词 RANSAC算法 MLESAC算法 PROSAC算法 模型拟合 图像匹配 RANSAC MLESAC PROSAC Model Fitting Image Matching
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