本文分析并介绍了各种国内外开源数据的发展、来源和共享情况,提出了开源数据的相关概念,并结合近年来开源数据在国内外电力工程实践应用案例,如MM5模式在750 k V哈密-吐鲁番-乌鲁木齐北输电线路中的应用、核电站温排水热污染遥感监测等案例,并列举了开源数据在国外电力工程中的应用和发展方向,指出了其优势和存在的问题并给出了建议,对开源数据在国内外电力工程中的顺利实施提供了参考和建议。
This paper analyzes and describes the various open source data sharing home and abroad, proposed the concepts of open source data, and as the hydro and meteorological data sources in foreign Power Engineering Practical Application, cited the case of open source data applications in power projects home and abroad, such as MM5 Model in 750 k V Hami-Turpan-North Urumqi Transmission Line, remote Sensing in thermal pollution of nuclear power plant thermal discharge and so on, list the development of open source data in electric power project,provide the reference and recommendations of open source data for the smooth implementation of the electric power project home and abroad.
Electric Power Survey & Design