In this paper,the author analysed the monthly pressure change of sea sur- face in India-Pakistan area (70—90°E°,10°—30°N)and computed the correla- tion coefficients between South-Asia high of 100 mb and four factors of four areas-the low pressure of India-Pakistan sea surface,the high pressure of the west Pacific,the temperature of the Pacific sea surface,the snow cover of the Qinhai-Xizhang plateau,and then following conclusions were reached: 1.The extensively per sistent low temperature easily occurs in summer in the Northeast China when the India-Pakistan monsoon is weaker and converserly, when the monsoon becomes strength,no extensively persistent low temperature occurs. 2.The monthly pressure anomaly exists stability in the sea surface of the India-Pakistan area The correlation coefficients of anomalies between summer and winter,spring are respectively0.726 and 0.879,which are more than confi- dence level α= 0.001. 3.There are periodically climatic oscillation with regular pressure ano- maly,about 14—15 years,in India-Pakistan region. 4.In summer (Jun.-Sept.)there is a negavitive correlation between the low pressure of India-Pakistan area and the high pressure of the South Asia, the coeff,is-0.6399 which closes to the confindence level α=0.001 and the correlaton coeffient between India-Pakistan low and the area index of west Pacific high at 500 mb layer is equal to-0.4447,which is more than confidence level α= 0.05. 5.In summer the mean percentage of rain fall anomaly of five statiions on the Xizhang plateau,Lasa,Changtu,Rikeze,Bange,Lin zhi,correlated with the South-Asia high of 100 mb and the sea surface pressure of the Indi- a-Pakistan area.Their correlation coefficients are respectively 0.346 and-0.396, Which close to the Gonfidence level α= 0.1
Scientia Geographica Sinica