
海洋地缘政治研究进展与中国海洋地缘环境研究探索 被引量:26

Updated Progress of Marine Geopolitics and Research of the Marine Geo-setting in China
摘要 通过梳理西方100多a海洋地缘政治的发展脉络,系统总结和归纳其海洋地缘政治发展的4个阶段与特征:自然演进模式下的海洋地缘政治理论形成阶段(1890s前)、国家空间-权力关系下的理论发展阶段(两次世界大战前后)、海洋地缘政治的现代化阶段(1960s^1990s)、新海洋地缘政治理论阶段(1990s后)。与国外相比,中国的海洋地缘政治研究起步较晚且未得到足够的重视,通过分析新中国成立以来中国地缘政治学者在海洋地缘政治领域的探索历程发现:中国海洋地缘政治发展缺乏相关学科理论的支撑和整合,难以形成完整的理论体系,研究手段也较为单一并缺乏建设性的实证研究,这与中国在世界"海洋地缘环境"格局中的现状严重不符。因此,面对批判地缘政治学的"多尺度转向"背景与中国发展的具体国情,提出发展中国"海洋地缘环境"的研究作为响应,并深入探讨"海洋地缘环境"的内涵与研究的空间尺度。最后,对海洋地缘环境近期重点研究方向做出展望:1深化海洋地缘环境理论基础与研究方法;2加强不同尺度的海洋地缘环境时空分异格局及其形成机理研究;3安全转向背景下的多尺度海洋地缘环境系统脆弱性研究;4结合中国实际,加强边境与边界的相关研究。 The 21 st Century is the century of the ocean, which has become an important guarantee for the sustainable social and economic development of coastal States and the national hot space of interests. Based on the macro mode of thinking and sensitive to the reality of international problems, marine geopolitics theory has influenced the whole process of world history greatly. After summarized the research progress during 100 years of western marine geopolitics, found that it has 4 development stages and each stage has its distinctive development characteristics: natural evolution of marine geopolitics pattern formation stage(-1890s), the state space of power relations theory development stage(around World War I and World War II), the stage of modern marine geopolitics(1960s-1990s), and a new marine geopolitics theory(1990s-). Compared with foreign countries, China marine geopolitics research started late and did not got enough attention. Through the analysis of modern exploration process in China of marine Geopolitics, it can be found that China marine geopolitics is lack of theory support and integration, which is difficult to form a complete theoretical system. Moreover, the research methods are empirical study single and lack of construction, which is seriously unfit the pattern —‘the marine geo-setting 'in the world. Therefore, combine critical geopolitics 'multi scale to' background and specific national conditions of China development, the paper puts forward the research direction of 'marine geo-setting' in China as a response to the spatial scale, then explore the connotation of the marine-geo environment. Finally, prospect the content of the research of marine-geo environment: 1develop the theory and method of marine-geo; 2 strengthen the variation pattern and its formation mechanism of different scales of marine-geo environment; 3 vulnerability research on multi-scale marine geo environment system under the background of steering the security; 4strengthen border research combined with the actual situation in China.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期129-136,共8页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 部省共建人文社会科学重点研究基地项目(14JJD790038) 国家自然基金青年项目(41201114)资助
关键词 地缘政治 海洋地缘政治 进展 海洋地缘环境 中国 geopolitics marine geopolitics progress marine geo-setting China
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