
中国城市空间反增长联盟的新特征——基于昆明市“94号院”的实证分析 被引量:11

The New Features of Anti-coalition in China's Urban Space:A Case Study of“No.No.94 yard”in Kunming
摘要 以昆明市"94号院"为案例解构其中城市政体上层建筑,并对各方利益集团的相互关系进行详细分析。结果表明:中国城市政体具有连续性的特点,即增长联盟与反增长联盟之间并不是泾渭分明的关系,而是一个渐变的连续统,增长联盟内部也是连续变化的。同时,中国城市政体亦具有尺度性特征,即地理尺度越大,增长联盟与反增长联盟之间的分歧就越大,二者态度越鲜明,二元论愈显化,反增长联盟更能得到第三方的支持,在双方博弈中的话语权越大;尺度越小,二者态度越模糊,增长联盟具有更多的规则制定优势,更具有主导和优先权;同时,为了在博弈中获得更大话语权,尺度变迁成为双方关注的焦点,反增长联盟力求上推尺度,而增长联盟则尽力下压尺度。 This article takes the'No. 94 yard'in Kunming as an example and deconstructs the superstructure of the urban regime in it, then analyzes the mutual relations of each political economic group in the area of urban development. The anti-growth coalition in this case has successfully held back the growth strategy of the local growth coalition via the organized and multifaceted resistance, which indicates that the anti-growth coalition in China has developed and even matured in some way. The results show that the urban regime in this case presented two new features: 1) it has the feature of continuity, which demonstrates that the relation between the growth coalition and anti-growth coalition is not completely opposite, but forms a kind of cooperate-collide continuum, and it is continuously changing inside the growth coalition; 2) The urban regime also has the feature of scale. As the geographic scale becomes larger, the divergence between the growth coalition and anti-growth coalition gets greater, their attitudes are more entirely opposite, it is more inclined to dualism, and the anti-growth coalition would try to get more support from the third party so as to expand the discourse power in the competition; As the geographic scale becomes smaller, the attitudes of the two parties are vaguer, and the growth coalition gets more predominant and has more advantage of rule-making. And scale jumping becomes the focus of both sides, the anti-growth coalition strives to push up the scale, in contrast, the growth coalition tries hard to push down the scale.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期551-557,共7页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41271176 41371172) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CXLX13_373) 江苏省优势学科建设基金 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心资助
关键词 反增长联盟 增长联盟 城市政体 “94号院” 尺度变迁 anti-growth coalition growth coalition urban regime 'No.94 yard' scale jumping
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