
中文权威核心期刊学术论文价值综合评价体系的构建与实践:以地理学科为例 被引量:2

Establishment and Application of the Comprehensive Evaluation System of Academic Value of Papers in Chinese Authoritative Core Journals: Case Study in Geography
摘要 深入解读中国科研评价中存在的3个现象,即过度重视SCI(Science Citation Index)/SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index)'、唯高影响因子'和'唯发表成果为王'。其中,过度重视SCI/SSCI直接或间接造成了'唯高影响因子'和'唯发表成果为王'现象的出现,成为中国学术界当前亟待解决的重要问题'。科研评价和学术地位认定政策''学术成果影响力'和'学术影响力评价'是影响中文权威核心期刊学术论文价值认可度的3大公因子。结合对中国地理学领域为主的近千位科研人员的感知调查,构建了包括期刊影响因子、论文被引频次、论文下载量、论文社会价值以及论文创新性5个指标的新的学术论文价值综合评价模型。最后从国家、部委、学会、期刊和学者层面分别提出改革过度推崇SCI/SSCI的学术评定政策、树立科研成果服务国民经济主战场的导向;强化政策执行力与构建服务于学术本质的考核标准;发挥桥梁和纽带作用及制定和完善评价体系;提升文化自信、凸显特色化和差异化、强化市场化和增值多元化;增强母语成果自信和提升在中文权威核心期刊建立学术地位的动力等实践建议。 This paper conducts an in-depth and systematic analysis on the scientific research evaluation in China which is featured by the over-emphasis on SCI/SSCI publication and over-weighted focus on Impact Factor(IF)and the number of paper publication only.The highly stressed orientation of SCI/SSCI publication in scientific research evaluation has,in a direct or indirect way,brought about the prominent phenomenon of only pursuing the paper publication in academic journals with high IF for scientific researchers.All these have served as the main challenges facing China’s academic society,thus urgently needed to be addressed.Therefore,this paper tries to,by conducting perception research in geography field and analyzing nearly 1 000 survey questionnaires disseminated to geography researchers,newly establish a comprehensive model to evaluate the academic value of scientific papers from the five dimensions of indicators,i.e.,journal IF,paper citation frequency,paper downloads,social value of papers and innovativeness of papers,as well as identifies the three main pillar aspects for academic value recognition of papers,i.e.,related policies on scientific research evaluation and academic status certification,academic achievement influencing power,and academic influencing power evaluation.The results show that the academic achievement influencing power and academic influencing power evaluation are positively correlated to the paper academic value recognition,while the related policies on scientific research evaluation and academic status certification have presented a negative correlation.Besides,the proposed evaluation model in this paper has been empirically applied and tested in selecting and awarding the Most Influential Academic Papers in Chinese geography journals in 2016 and 2018.Finally,by taking geography journals as case study,this paper aims to ease and convert the trend of only focusing on high IF SCI/SSCI publication,promote the evaluation standardization to journals in different languages and disciplines by mutual learning and bringing the gap between different sets of evaluation criteria,yet in a customized way according to the characters,contents and conditions of each discipline,thus providing valuable references to the scientific paper academic value evaluation system reform by other disciplines.
作者 朱晓华 高春东 Zhu Xiaohua;Gao Chundong(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期1351-1360,共10页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41471125)资助~~
关键词 科研评价 学术论文价值 综合评价模型 地理学 权威核心期刊 中国 scientific research evaluation academic value of papers comprehensive evaluation model Geography authoritative core journals China
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