托收是国际贸易中普遍采用的支付方式。托收业务通常涉及到分处两个国家的四个当事人,当事人之间的关系主要受国际惯例的支配,国内法体系中专门法规阙如。托收业务的委托人与银行因托收而引发争议时,如何确定银行法律责任的问题,我国法律界对此未进行系统深入的研究;而中国法律界存在的一些误解,深深地影响了我国法院对于国际托收争议案件的正确判断。本文结合国内外的案例,探讨委托人、托收行、代收行三者之间的关系,阐述了调整托收业务的国际惯例与国内法的关系,提出依据 URC522判断银行是否违反善意和合理谨慎义务,适用国内法判断银行的法律责任的观点,并从诉讼主体、诉因和归责原则三方面探讨了如何解决国际托收争议。
Collection is one of the major ways of payment in international trade Four parties from two countries are generally involved in the collection transactions However,the legal relations among the parties are,more or less,governed by interna- tional business practices,as almost no country has adopted a specific statute in this as- pect.So far the Chinese legal circle has yet carried out systematic research with respect to the liabilities of banks in case disputes come out between the principal and banks dur- ing the process of collection.The misunderstanding toward the application of law and legal relations has already resulted in the incorrect dealing with the disputes involving international collection by certain Chinese courts.This article explores the legal relations among the principal,remitting bank and collecting bank with relevant foreign and do- mestic cases,and clarifies the relationship between the application of international busi- ness practices and the application of domestic law.Based on the analysis of subjects,liti- gation grounds and principle of liability in the litigation involved in a collection dispute, the Author has put forward the personal point of view:in determining whether the banks breaches their obligation of good faith and reasonable care URC 522 should be applied;while in determining the liability of banks in terms of breach of obligation,the domestic law should be applied.
Wuhan University International Law Review