
中国船舶扣押制度50年回眸与展望 被引量:2

Expectation and Retrospection of Ship Arrest in China for Recent 50 years
摘要 中华人民共和国成立以来,我国的船舶扣押制度与我国的政治经济体制的发展相适应,先后经历了行政滞留船舶,以行政滞留为主、司法扣押辅佐,司法扣押主导,专门法院专门管辖和日趋走向成熟五个阶段。目前,我国已经初步建成了融合大陆法系的担保保全与英美法系的对物诉讼这两种制度优势的扣船制度。但是,由于有关制度移植过程中发生的制度丢失,以及被移植法律与本土法律制度不可避免的冲突等原因,我国扣押制度有待进一步完善和发展。这主要包括但不限于:对扣船程序的性质及功能予以重新定位,肯定扣船程序的独立性;强化扣船程序的程序保障,允许对诉前扣船裁定提起紧急上诉;协调海事强制令、海事证据保全措施与扣船程序的关系,使前两者可以作为其辅助程序,服务于扣船程序;针对方便船旗流行的现状,完善我国的方便旗船舶扣押制度。 With the development of the political and economical system of China, the law of ship arrest goes through five steps:detention from the administrative authority, administrative detention assisted by the court,judicial arrest,exclusive jurisdiction un- der maritime court and perfection gradually.The law of ship arrest in China is built on the material factors of the law of arrest for security in Civil Law and action in rein in Common Law.But there still some conflicts within the system of ship arrest due to articles trans- plantation,so it is far from work done.There are so much work awaiting to reconsider and perfect the law.This article includes but not limited those below:to admit the comparative independency of ship arrest procedure,to strength the protection of the procedure,to re- arrange the relations among ship arrest,maritime injunction and preservation of maritime evidence in order that the two ones latter can service former one better,to better the law as to restrain the abuse of convenience flag by ship-owners.
出处 《武大国际法评论》 2006年第2期253-277,共25页 Wuhan University International Law Review
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