The judicial interpretation system of mainland of China is that of civil law which is quiet different from that of Hong Kong which is of a common law tradition.The principle of judicial interpretation system in case law tradition is'judicial paramountcy'Although the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC is based on civil law tradition,it needs to be carried out in Hong Kong which follows the common law tradition.Therefore,there are conflicts and contradictions in the custom of carrying out the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC. The issue of legal interpretation involves Hong Kong's jurisdiction independence,and finally is related to safeguarding the substantial autonomy of Hong Kong Area.Therefore, the fusion of two kinds of interpretation system between mainland and Hong Kong is an important issue which must be solved within the framework of'One Country,Two Systems'.Legal interpretation of the National People's Congress has successfully alleviated the pressure or the crises of Hong Kong's population,and has also shows respect for the power of final judgment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Wuhan University International Law Review
one country,two systems
the judicial interpretation system