
黄土丘陵沟壑区农村居民点空间重构——以榆中县为例 被引量:56

The rural residential space reconstruction in Loess Hilly Regions: A case study of Yuzhong county in Lanzhou
摘要 农村居民点空间优化研究是进行农村居民点用地空间重构的依据。以兰州市榆中县为例,运用GIS空间分析能力,计算农村居民点的影响力来划分居民点类型,应用加权Voronoi图的空间分割功能实现宏观上农村居民点的空间重构,确定各搬迁居民点的安置去向,同时计算各个加权Voronoi图之中的居民点的相对"居住场势"的大小,实现微观上搬迁农户的空间效用增加。结果表明:榆中县共有中心居民点面积6082.60 hm2(1107个居民点)占61.25%;Ⅰ类保留型居民点面积2707.55 hm2(4083个居民点)占27.26%;Ⅱ类保留型居民点面积235.68 hm2(679个居民点)占2.37%;零星居民点面积905.26 hm2(2854个居民点)占9.12%。通过加权Voronoi图的宏观空间分割结合微观的"居住场势"测算,使得居民点空间重构的方案更加合理。 Rural residential space reconstruction is one of the important measurements and techniques to restructure the rural land use so that it is also significant to arable lands protection. The method of rural residential space reconstruction in Loess Hilly Regions is significantly different from that in other regions of China. This paper aimed at finding out the appropriate method for rural residential space reconstruction in Loess Hilly Regions, in which Yuzhong county was taken as the study area. Firstly, the spatial distribution of rural residential lands in Yuzhong county was described with GIS spatial analysis tools. Then the space partitioning capabilities of weighted Voronoi diagram and the rural 'residential field and power' were used to implement the space reconstruction of rural settlement in Yuzhong county. The settlement was divided into three types: central settlement, retention type residential settlement and scattered settlement depends on the rural settlement influence. The weighted Voronoi diagram was used to draw the influence scope of central settlement. The diagram was also used to describe the relocation of scattered settlements. Then the relative value of rural 'residential field and power' was calculated. Those scattered settlements, where the 'residential field and power' was higher than the corresponding central settlement, were classified as class II retention-type settlements. The result shows that Yuzhong county has 1077 central settlements. The settlement occupies 6082.6 hectares of the lands, which accounts for 61.25% of the county lands for residential area. There are 4083I retention-type settlements, a total of 2707.55 hectares of land, accounting for 27.26% of the rural settlement lands in the county. The area of II retention-type settlements is 235.68 hectares. It involves 679 settlements and accounts for 2.37% of the area. There are 2854 scattered settlements, a total of 905.26 hectares of the lands, accounting for 9.12% of the rural settlement land in the county. This research combines the weighted Voronoi diagram space partition function with the rural 'residential field and power', making the residential space reconstruction scheme more reasonable. The study of rural residential optimization is the basis of rural residential land space reconstruction. Voronoi diagram space partition function with the rural 'residential field and power', making the residential space reconstruction scheme more reasonable. The study of rural residential optimization is the base of rural residential land space reconstruction.
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期937-947,共11页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41261047 41201196) 中国清洁发展机制基金赠款项目(1213007) 西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划骨干项目(NWNU-LKQN-11-11)
关键词 农村居民点 空间重构 “居住场势” 加权Voronoi图 榆中县 rural residential areas space reconstruction residential field and power weighted Voronoi diagram Yuzhong county
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