健身舞蹈是一项集健身、健体、益智、育人于一体的一项有益活动 .本文采用文献资料法对健身舞蹈的运动特点进行了分析 ,在此基础上指出 :健身舞蹈可以激发大学生从事体育锻炼的浓厚兴趣 ,可以培养大学生完善的人格 ,丰富大学校园文化生活 ,同时还可以培养大学生终生从事体育运动的习惯和意识 。
Setting-up dancing is a sport that can improve a person's health and mental conditions.By adopting documents study,this papet analyzes the features of this sport and points out that it can stimulate college students' interest in sport,perfect their personality,enrich their college lives and cultivate their habits and awareness for taking up sport in all their lives,thus and indispensable item of sport in college PE teaching.
Songliao Journal (Natural Science Edition)