随着中国加入世界贸易组织 ,中国的市场成了全球市场的一部分。我国的铸造工业 ,必须审时度势 ,采取相应措施 ,跻身于世界前茅。本文着重研究我国入世后 ,铸造工业面临的挑战和机遇 ,针对目前我国铸造行业的普遍情况 ,认为最大的挑战是概念、效率、人的素质和战略意识。只有战胜这四大挑战 ,才有可能从根本上扭转我国铸造工业落后的局面 ,与世界同行一争短长。文章还叙述了面临挑战的同时 ,也存在着机遇 ,例如市场的扩大 ,接触面的增多 ;先进技术和经验的涌入等。最后提出了应付挑战。
Following the entrance of China to WTO,Chinese market becomes a part of the global marketing area. Chinese foundry industry must therefore carefully scrutinize the new situation and undertake appropriate countermeasures to enable itself to be one of the world's leading casting producers. This article studies the challenges and opportunities facing the industry and declares that the major challenges are concept, efficiency, personnel 'quality' and strategic consciousness. The backward status of Chinese foundry industry can only be overcome by conquering the four major basic challenges. The article also relates the opportunities which arrive in parallel with the challenges. These opportunities include the broadening of market, increase of personal contacts, more incoming flow of state-of-the-art technologies, etc. The paper ends with a proposal of countermeasures.
Foundry Technology