Creative Commons是一个非营利组织,也可以指一种有弹性的版权授权方式。CC组织通过为作家、科学家、艺术家以及教育者提供的免费的不同版本的"CC协议",从而扩大对智力成果的共享、再创作、再使用。CC主张"部分权利保留"而不是"所有权利保留",其呼声汇聚到了声势浩大的整个世界范围的开源运动的一部分。因为CC协议的文本是基于美国的著作权法体系而写成的,那么向其他国家移植的本土化过程中必然会出现因为某些规定不一致而使协议难以执行的问题。在全球化的大背景下,CC也面临着在中国本土化的问题。CC在中国的本土化到底是如乌托邦一般遥不可及的幻景,还是一朵努力伸手便能摘到的彼岸之花?本文回顾了从CC许可协议在国际化的过程当中遇到的问题,以及CC 3.0在准据法上的选择,著作人身权以及著作权集体管理等制度上的协调措施,同时也讨论了CC引入中国后在中国著作权制度中的地位及其与现行中国著作权法中合理使用和法定许可的关系并预见了CC 3.0引入中国后可能的制度设计。
Creative Commons(CC) refers to a non-profit organization as well as a flexible arrangement of licenses.CC is devoted to providing writers,scientists, artists and educators free and diversified versions of licenses to expand the range of creative works available for others to share,recreate and reuse.CC calls for'some rights reserved'instead of'all all rights reserved',which,is immersed in the powerful and dynamic worldwide campaign for Open Source.Since the text of CC is based on the U.S copyright system,the barriers for enforcement in other jurisdictions is inevitable in the process of localization.CC also face the problem of localization in China on the background of globalization.The localization of CC in China shall be a illusion like a Utopia or a reachable flower over the other coast? This paper,after examining the possible barriers in the internationalization of CC, discusses the effort of CC 3.0 has made in applicable law,moral rights and collective management for harmonization of different copyright systems.It then focuses on the possible status of CC licenses in the present copyright system of P.R China after its porting,the relationship between CC and fair use and statutory licenses under PRC Copyright Law and possible institutional design after CC 3.O's porting to China.
Internet Law Review