本文认为易卜生戏剧所具有的强大包容性和广阔的阐释空间与透视人生与存在的反讽视角有关。本文对《爱情的喜剧》作个案研究 ,发现易卜生的反讽具有矛盾性、多元性、消解性和不确定性的特征。反讽的这些特征可以使我们从不同的角度阐释易卜生对人类社会及其生存状态超然、动态的思考和关怀 ,以及剧作家对爱情与婚姻、灵魂与肉体等二元对立矛盾的深刻透视。
The research on Ibsen has made continuous and tremendous breakthroughs over time and throughout the world, though his creation of the plays occurred in the late 19th century Northern Europe. It is very natural to inquire about what in his creation contributes to the rich capacity and possibility for the diverse elaboration and discussion transcending time and space. The author believes that the answer is closely connected with Ibsen's ironical perspective which assumes a deconstructive and critical attitude toward the problems confronted by human being and their existence. This paper makes a case study of Love's Comedy and attempts to reveal the characteristics of his irony. The study shows that it is the contradictory, multilateral, deconstructive and uncertain qualities of his ironical perspective that enable us to understand his dynamic thinking and concern of human life, human society and essence of its existence. The perspective also enables us to have a better understanding of his visionary fabrication of binary oppositions between love and marriage, life and society, ideal and reality, soul and body, spirituality and secularity.
Foreign Literature Studies