Before the Yihetuan Movement, missionary schools had reached certain scale and be-came another educational system independent from imperial examination system in Qing Dy-nasty. However, some problem existed in missionary schools, such as deficient of systematic educational plans, there was difficulties in cooperation for schxils set up by different groups, as well as the schxils only played periphery role due to the rejection of the government. After the Yihetuart ntoventent, the educational reformation done by government improved the ex-ternal circumstance for missionary schools. The schools, using every kind of favorable condi-tions, developed their own space, replenished teaching contents and speeded the steps of u-niting schools together to fulfill optimization grouping of resources. The following cases-"Litintotai and small schools in Shanxi", "the establishment of Ya Li Society" and "the uni-ficatiott movement of Chinese missionary schools"- showed that the Yihetuan movement and the development of missionary schools had indirect relation of cause and effect, if they did not have such a direct relation.
Literature,History,and Philosophy