
供应链系统的混沌放大效应分析 被引量:1

Analysis of chaos amplification effect in supply chain system
摘要 为了分析供应链系统中混沌是否存在放大效应,在零售商提供价格折扣和不提供价格折扣2种情况建立了供应链系统库存动态变化的数学模型.通过仿真对零售商库存和分销商库存混沌区域的变化情况、零售商提供折扣和不提供折扣2种情况下库存混沌区域的变化情况进行了对比分析.结果表明:无论零售商是否提供价格折扣,分销商库存的混沌区域比零售商库存的混沌区域更大;当库存偏差调整参数和在途库存偏差调整参数相差比较大时,零售商提供价格折扣比不提供价格折扣情况下各级库存的混沌区域更大. To analyze the chaos amplification effect in the supply chain system,the supply chain inventory models with and without retailer-offered price discount have been built.The chaos regions of the retailer's inventory are compared with that of the distributor's.The variation of the chaos regions of the inventory is also compared when price discount/no price discount is offered by the retailer.The simulation shows that the chaos regions of distributor's inventory are larger than that of the retailer's no matter weather retailers offer price discount.In the regions where the disparity between the adjustment parameter for inventory discrepancies and inventory-in-transit discrepancies grows bigger,the inventory with retailer's price discount becomes more chaos than that without retailer's price discount.
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第S2期253-258,共6页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划课题"现代物流综合管理关键技术与平台"资助项目(2006BAH02A06)
关键词 供应链系统 库存 混沌放大效应 价格折扣 supply chain system inventory chaos amplification effect price discount
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