针对循环流化床锅炉运行负荷与床温、运行料层厚度之间关系难于掌握的问题 ,在两种类型的锅炉上进行了试验研究。研究结果表明 :锅炉负荷与运行时的床温、料层厚度之间均呈线性关系。通过回归分析 ,得到对应的关联式。使用该关联式可得锅炉对应负荷时的床温以及运行料层厚度 ,对锅炉运行具有较好的指导性。
In view of the dificult problem to know well the relstionship between operation load of a CFB boiler and it's bed temperature as well as the thickness of fuel-layer, an experimental study on CFB boiler of two types has been carried out. The results of study show there is a linear relationship between the load of CFB boiler and it's bed temperature, as well as it's thickness of fuel-layer in operation. Through regression analysis, a corresponding relational expression has been obtained. From this expression, the bed temperature and the fuel-layer thickness in operation under corresponding boiler load can be achieved, providing a better guidance for boiler operation.
Thermal Power Generation