该文在对当前实验室的现状进行分析研究的基础上,结合目前主流的基于J2EE平台和MVC设计模式的Web应用体系,采用Struts和Spring框架设计了一个基于Web的实验室信息管理系统。通过分析Spring框架原理和实现,指出此框架完全适用于一般Web应用的大部分功能和性能的要求。由于Spring本身"无侵入性"的特点,它又可以方便地集成Hibernate O/R映射方案,集成优秀的Web层框架Struts。从而实现LIMS要求的各种功能。
Based on the research of LIMS,LIMS is designed and implemented on Struts and Spring frame in which J2EE and MVC-based web design pattern is adopted.This paper makes use of the Spring framework by analyzing its principle and realization.It also points out that the Spring framework can be suitable for the majority request of general Web application in the function and performance.Due to its trait of "no intrusiveness",the Spring framework can easily integrate Hibernate to replace Entity Bean's O/R mapping solution and excellent Struts framework.In order to achieve the requirements of the various functions.
Computer Knowledge and Technology