

The Use of Group Signatures to Achieve Revocable Anonymity of Electronic Cash Program
摘要 ACJT群签名是证明了的抗合谋和非常有效和安全的群签名方案,但它不能防止敲诈。跟据该方案,通过结合新的密码学知识,设计出一个由群签名技术实现的可撤销匿名性电子现金方案,能有效防止重复花费和防敲诈。文章介绍了该方案设计思路与算法的实现,并对性能进行了分析,最后对本方案的整体效率做了总结。 ACJT group signature is a proven and very effective anti-collusion and security group signature scheme,but it can not prevent extortion. According to the program,through a combination of new knowledge of cryptography,designed a program by the group signature which can be revoked anonymity of e-cash program,and it can effectively prevent the duplication of spending and anti-extortion. This paper introduces the design of the program with the algorithm and performance analysis,and finally on the overall efficiency of the program summarized.
出处 《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》 2009年第4X期4409-4410,共2页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 电子现金 群签名 可撤销匿名性 electronic cash group signature revocable anonymity
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