对于在天然气集输站工作的人们来说,每天都要面对那些复杂的机器设备和密集繁琐的管道网络,上岗人员特别是新员工如果对所操作部分不了解或了解不透彻很可能会因为一个小小的操作失误,而给个人健康和公司利益带来重大伤害和巨大损失。据此,针对用户的需求,开发设计了相关的模拟视频系统。本文着重介绍了清管器模拟视频的制作过程以及系统的实现,并对系统中所使用的3ds max和Premiere中的关键技术进行了详细的阐述,使新员工在正式上岗之前能够得到有效的培训。
People who work in the natural gas gathering station have to face those complicated machinery and dense pipeline nets. If the employees,especially those new ones working in the gathering station,can not have a fully understanding about what they are going to operate,they may probably bring about great damage or enormous losses either to their health or to the company due to their careless mistakes. Accordingly,for the user's needs,development and design related analog video system. This article focuses on the Pig analog video system of the production process,as well as the realization of the system used in 3ds max and Premiere of the key techniques in detail,so that the formal induction of new staff prior to training can be effectively.
Computer Knowledge and Technology